Livestream Announcement: Memorial Service for Professor Tsung-Dao Lee

The Memorial Service for Professor Tsung-Dao Lee will be held on Sunday, August 25, in Shanghai. The service is organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Chinese Physical Society, the American Physical Society, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Peking University, Zhejiang University and the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics. 

The main ceremony will take place at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute of SJTU, with satellite venues at Peking University, Zhejiang University, the Tsung Dao (T. D.) Lee Library of SJTU, and the Institute of High Energy Physics of CAS.

The service will be livestreamed to the public at 10:00 a.m. Beijing time, on August 25. You can watch the livestream by clicking the following links: [ English Channel ] [ Chinese Channel ]

The livestream will also be accessible through the official Shanghai Jiao Tong University social media accounts (by clicking or scanning the below QR codes).